A framework for collaboration was signed on Friday, April 8, 2022 by the Director of the National Documentation Centre (EKT) Evi Sachini and the founder and representative of the non-profit Society 'Kipos Filovivlon/Philobiblians' Garden' Konstantinos Sp. Staikos. The two organisations committed to ensuring the development of the unique wealth of information offered through the digital encyclopedia 'About Libraries'.
The purpose of this co-operation as part of EKT's actions and services is the use of digital media to highlight the importance of the institution of the library and the printed book in the intellectual journey of humankind and the dissemination of collective knowledge. To achieve this goal, emphasis will be placed on the further promotion, development and enrichment of the digital site 'About Libraries - aboutlibraries.gr' which has been operating since 2019. Always with a focus on the institution of the library, the new collaboration is a continuation of a previous partnership for the documentational and organisational upgrading, and the expansion and dissemination of the cultural and scientific material collected through K. Staikos’s original research.
Following the signing of the collaboration agreement, the founder of 'Kipos Philovivlon' non-profit society Konstantinos Sp. Staikos said: 'I am very pleased that we find ourselves in this joint venture with EKT's Director Evi Sachini so as to continue this transnational cultural undertaking based on the exchange and combination of knowledge and know-how. Our vision is to use this site to connect intellectual and artistic currents and achievements realised by different people, in different eras and different places'.
EKT Director Evi Sachini said: 'The institutional role of EKT as an electronic and physical infrastructure of national scope, its relationship with libraries and its catalytic intervention in the digital transformation of libraries are the background of this new collaboration. The aim is to further develop the content infrastructure About Libraries, which is dedicated to the world of books and libraries from antiquity to the present day. In collaboration with Kostas Sp. Staikos and his team, we will continue what we have done so far for the organisation of this unique material with a renewed creative impulse'.
For 2022 in particular, EKT and Philobiblians' Garden have decided to focus this partnership on actions related to digital culture and the exercise of enhanced cultural management aimed at digitising rich visual material (illuminated manuscripts, woodcuts, paintings, photographs of sculptures and architectural works etc.), adding new historical entries covering the modern era, developing an outward oriented library network and exchanging authoritative information. Additionally, serving the public interest, curatorial, enrichment and documentation actions in accordance with international standards as well as actions for the publication, dissemination and maximisation of the beneficial results of this co-operation are foreseen.
The main pursuit of 'About Libraries' was, and remains, the creation, of an intellectual meeting place and a digital network of libraries in Greece and abroad, in collaboration with the libraries themselves. The value of the work produced is promoted internationally; the English version is already available, while the possibility of translation into other languages is being explored.
About Libraries
The digital encyclopedia 'About Libraries' (www.aboutlibraries.gr) is a space for original research and the collection of important and rare archival and other material, focusing on libraries and their history and the presentation of unique collections and personalities associated with libraries in the East and the West from antiquity to the present day. This digital site already includes more than 3,150 items in the Greek language, edited, documented, and accompanied by useful bibliographic references and a rich artistic collection (illuminated manuscripts, woodcuts, copperplates, lithographs, paintings, representations and representations and projects, etc.).
Kipos Filovivlon/Philobiblians' Garden
The non-profit civil partnership 'Kipos Filovivlon/Philobiblians' Garden' aims to make use of a physical and electronic infrastructure, with international scope, for the collection, organisation, documentation and digital storage of scientific and cultural material produced in Greece, based on the history of the institution of the library and the book. The research and iconographic material that is collected is evaluated and then organised, classified and digitised for public availability and use.
National Documentation Centre (EKT)
The National Documentation Centre (EKT) (www.ekt.gr) is a Legal Entity under Private Law of a non-profit nature and is supervised by the Ministry of Digital Governance. It is a Scientific Infrastructure for National Use and a National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System. With modern technological infrastructure, high level of know-how and specialised scientific personnel, EKT:
- collects, documents and makes available for further use as public data, authoritative digital content of science and culture,
- provides services for a number of Greek organisations (libraries, archives, museums) for the organisation and distribution of standardised and authoritative information,
- produces the official statistics of the country for European Research, Development and Innovation statistics,
- conducts research, collects data and produces national statistics in the fields of science & technology and digital economy
- develops Data Governance systems related to the research system, innovation and digital economy in order to strengthen the exercise and evaluation of public policies with evidence and to support decisions,
- develops integrated services to link research with production, reuse of research results extroversion and networking, developing the innovation potential of businesses and research centres, and enhancing digital transformation.