The emergence of innovation, one of the main features of the new production model of the country, will be the main topic of discussion this year at the Hellenic Innovation Forum & Awards 2021, which will take place on 19 November 2021, under the auspices of the National Documentation Centre (EKT). The event is being organised for the 4th consecutive year and is now an institution in the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship of the country. The aim of this year's Hellenic Innovation Forum is to highlight the issues and challenges regarding the use of innovative business ideas and high quality human resources of Greece, as well as to attract more investments in the field of research and development.
The event is being organised by the company Ethos Events, in collaboration with the financial and business portal banks.com.gr and the magazine HRIMA, using the integrated digital business communication technology and its innovative 3D exhibition and conference centre the LiveOn Expo Complex. Reception Desk, Conference Centre, Sponsors / Exhibitors Hall, B2B Area, VIP Lounge, PRESS Centre and Organiser's Office, are some of the places where participants can browse online.
- The central theme of the Hellenic Innovation Forum & Awards focuses on the present and the future of innovation in Greece. In this context, the following will be presented:
- Innovative companies operating in industries such as technology, agri-food, tourism, life sciences, energy, aerospace, logistics and industry.
- Large Greek companies and organisations with a robust outreach that innovate in various sectors, promoting innovation through investments, financing and competitions.
- Multinational companies investing in Greece by creating research & development centres (R&D) and hubs.
- Initiatives such as incubators and accelerators that help promote innovation throughout Greece.
- Government actions aimed at promoting innovation.
- Actions connecting the academic / research community with business.
- Actions to promote regional innovation.
The presentations and discussions will take place using the LiveOn platform in order to achieve the greatest interaction possible between participants in the Hellenic Innovation Forum, with the aim of highlighting the importance of innovation in the new productive model of the Greek economy.
To attend the event, register here.
A further goal, is that, through the institutionalisation of the Hellenic Innovation Awards, attention will be drawn to the people and companies that are helping to make innovation a key pillar of the new production model of the country. The aim of the awards is to include companies of all sizes and 'ages', as well as international groups that, having recognised the potential of the country and its human resources, have chosen to invest in Greece.
The deadline for nominations is October 22. The selection of leaders in innovation will be based on two sets of votes : those of a judging panel, consisting of prominent personalities from the institutional and business world, and those of the public. The Hellenic Innovation Awards 2021 includes 8 sub-thematic sections, in which a total of 23 award categories will be awarded, as well as 2 honorary awards. You can see the award categories in detail and register your candidacy here until October 22, 2021.
The Hellenic Innovation Forum & Awards 2021 event is held under the auspices of the Ministries of Development and Investment and Digital Governance, as well as research, professional and institutional bodies, including the National Documentation Centre (EKT).
EKT and the innovation ecosystem
As the co-ordinator of the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, EKT, a public interest body overseen by the Ministry of Digital Governance, supports innovative and outward-orientated Greek enterprises to gain access to new markets and funding and wxploiting their research results and technologies / products. It enables small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in consultations on future initiatives.
EKT is also a National Contact Point for Horizon Europe, for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme in Pillar 1 and for the Health and Digital Technologies, Industry and Space clusters in Pillar 2. As co-ordinator of the Greek node of the Enterprise Europe Network, it provides services complementary to those of the National Contact Points, operating as a "one-stop-shop" for business information on European issues, for finding business partnerships abroad, for technology transfer services and mediation for international technological collaborations, access to European funding and finding partners to participate in research proposals. As a National Contact Point, it supports the implementation of ongoing projects under Horizon 2020.