The 5GENESIS (5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing), an Horizon 2020 project, involving 29 institutions and companies from across Europe and co-ordinated by Dr. Anastasios Kourtis and Dr. Harilaos Koumaras from the NCSR ‘Demokritos’ Informatics and Telecommunication Department, has successfully completed its third phase.The National Documentation Centre (EKT) contributed to the formation of the consortium, supporting NCSR ‘Demokritos’ and the Greek company Space Hellas.
The objective of the joint venture involving dynamic companies such as Airbus, Intel and Ericsson, as well as leading research organisations in the telecommunications sector, is the active contribution to research and the maximising of the benefit of 5G technology.
The 5G network is the next generation of mobile devices online, offering high speed connections to ‘smart phones’ and other devices that are also reliable and stable. The 5GENESIS project seeks to create an open, evolving and distributed experimental mechanism for the 5G network across Europe, assessing its added value and validating specific efficiency indicators (Key Performance Indicators -KPIs), and an integrated approach, both in a laboratory environment and on a large scale. The 5GENESIS facility will build on five interoperable experimentation platforms, with diverse capabilities, in five European cities: Athens, Málaga, Limassos, Surrey and Berlin.
A total of 29 operators from 11 countries make up the consortium (Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, UK, Norway, Portugal and Israel). Besides NCSR Demokritos, Greek participants include Space Hellas, Cosmote, Infolysis, Fogus and the Municipality of Aigaleo.
The National Documentation Centre (EKT) operates as a National Contact Point for eleven sectors of Horizon 2020, supporting Greek organisations to participate in the programme.
Excellent Science
-European Research Centre (ERC)
-Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
-‘Marie Sklodowska-Curie’ Actions
-Research infrastructures
Industrial leadership
-Access to risk finance
-Information and Communication technololgies
Social Challenges
-Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
-Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy
-Europe in a changing world- Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
Horizontal Programmes
-Science with and for society
- Nuclear research under the Euratom Treaty
EKT also records the participation of Greek research teams in Horizon 2020 programmes by issuing specific reports and studies with detailed data on the performance of Greek institutions within the European financial framework.