An online training on ‘Empowering Women’s Innovative Enterprises within the SME Instrument - Innovation Management Financial Challenges’ will be held on May 15, 2019 by the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE), partner of the European project ‘Enhancing more participation of women entrepreneurs’ activities Horizon 2020 (EMPOWA), which is co-ordinated by the National Documentation Center (EKT).
The seminar targets women managing innovative enterprises and focuses on their participation in Horizon 2020 projects. The goal of the seminar is to offer women entrepreneurs support to increase their participation in the updated European Innovation Council (EIC) Pilot, particularly the SME Instrument EIC Accelerator Pilot. There will also be a presentation of proposals which have been funded by the SME Instrument, as well as advice highlighting the points for attention from the perspective of the evaluator.
Register for the online Training Seminar here. Participants will receive email with the link to watch the seminar. The seminar will be held in English. The seminar programme is available here.
The aim of the EMPOWA project is to enhance women's entrepreneurship. The project focuses on actions that will facilitate the financing of more women managers or owners of innovative enterprises through the SME Instrument. The specific objectives of the project is to raise awareness of women entrepreneurs and provide information and advice as well as training for better preparation of proposals for the SME Instrument Horizon 2020.
The National Documentation Centre is co-ordinator/partner of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas which actively supports enterprises in their development, finding funding, and entering new markets through networking with international partners. In addition, as National Contact Point for a number of individual programmes under Horizon 2020, its support for Greek academic, research and business communities in their participation includes: Information and Advisory Services, Helpdesk, Development and Handling of informative material, Organisation of events and seminars, Partner search for the formation of consortia and joint proposal submission. It documents national participation and publishes statistics and performance indicators.
The Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas is the Greek node of the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest support network in the world for SMEs, which provides enterprises with integrated services to increase their competitiveness based on knowledge and innovation. Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas helps SMEs to innovate and grow within the EU and beyond. It includes the participation of 3,000 experts from 600 organisations in more than 60 countries.