The National Documentation Centre (EKT) and the National Bank of Greece (NBG) held meetings with enterprises supported by the NBG Business Seeds programme on 25th April 2018.
The meetings examined business support through the networking services of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas to promote international co-operation, funding opportunities through Horizon 2020 programmes and the possibility of support through the programmes implemented by EKT such as Inno4Agrifood, EIT Health, Empowa and BeShared.
Through EKT’s Memorandum of Co-operation with the National Bank of Greece in support of the NBG Business Seeds, it provides a range of its services, particularly as co-ordinator of Enterprise Europe Network - Hellas and National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 Startups programme.
NBG Business Seeds, which has been in existence for some 7 years, is an integrated programme supporting startups and aims to fund selected mature companies. After competing successfully, support of the selected startups includes counselling, mentoring, networking and promotion activities, as well as the showcasing of innovative ideas and projects.
EKT has undertaken to:
(a) provide information and documentation,
(b) provide startups with advisory services, particularly for European funding programmes
(c) provide networking services with potential international customers through the services of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, for which EKT is co-ordinator
(d) co-operate on documentation and support of NBG Business Seeds strategy by collaborating on establishing evaluation criteria for high- tech investments and provide specialised data and analysis depending on the Bank’s needs in the sphere of R&D (R&D metrics) and innovation (CIS) on the basis of official national research conducted by EKT.
During the meeting of 25th April 2018, EKT representatives met with the following companies:
The National Documentation Centre (EKT), as Horizon 2020 National Contact Point for a number of individual programmes, supports the Greek academic, research and business communities in their participation. It covers all stages of the research project, from preparation of a proposal to implementation and exploitation of research results. EKT’s services include: Information and Advisory Services, Helpdesk, Development and Handling of informational material, Organisation of events and seminars, Partner search for joint ventures and the publication of statistical data and performance indicators.
EKT also offers advanced technological infrastructure and has long experience in European funding, Technology Transfer and Innovation services. It is co-ordinator of Enterprise Europe Network - Hellas, the Greek node of the largest support network providing integrated services to increase competitiveness based on knowledge and innovation.
Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas helps SMEs to innovate and develop both within the EU and beyond European borders, as Enterprise Europe Network has 3,000 experts from 600 organisations from more than 60 countries.