Open Education Week (27-31 March 2017) was the perfect opportunity for the National Documentation Centre (EKT) to showcase a rich collection of prestigious scientific publications for education which are available through their online ePublishing. Teachers from junior, senior and pre-schools, academics, researchers, undergraduates and post graduates used the ePublishing advanced navigation tools to search quality content and learn about the international trends, challenges facing and developments of the Education sector.
When scientific information meets new technologies, new challenges are created for the dissemination of collective knowledge and the enhancement of the educational process. The available sources of open knowledge, the exploitation of open and reusable data, the developing innovative open technologies and interoperable infrastructures, have a key role to play in the effective management of collective knowledge.In recent years, Greece has engaged in actions with an international impact on the collection, open availability and exploitation of digital knowledge from research, academic and education communities.
Through its development of technological infrastructures for open knowledge sources, EKT is at the forefront of the collection, organisation and dissemination of digital content. One such type of infrastructure is EKT's online ePublishing, which comprises three platforms for the publication of journals, conference proceedings and monographs/ books and is oriented towards the country’s eminent scientific publishers and major research bodies who opt to make their scientific output available through Open Access.
Trusting in EKT's ePublishing, major educational bodies have made a total of 38 journals and 20 volumes of conference proceedings available to the education, academic and research communities. EKT's ePublishing already provides Open Access to more than 938 scientific publications of Formal and Informal Education, Open and Distance Learning, Psychophysiology etc. Members of the educational, academic and research communities can not only gain access to the full texts of original publications, book reviews, research, conference proceedings, lectures and interviews, but also get updates on issues concerning the Education sector.
Browsing the pages of the scientific journal ‘Open Education’, published by the Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education, enables under and post graduates, junior and senior school teachers, higher education professors and researchers to access articles on Educational Technology, Adult Education, educational policy and life-long learning. The journal has been in circulation since 2005, is based on the philosophy of Open Access, promotes life-long learning issues and represents the Greek scientists who are active in innovative forms of alternative education.
The online journal ‘Dialogoi! Theory & Praxis in Education’, published by the School of Early Childhood Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki features original studies linking educational practice with research and innovation. Theoretical texts by new researchers, presentations of innovative programmes, interviews, reports from conferences, book presentations, doctorate theses and post graduate dissertations, carried out in Greece or abroad, with particular emphasis on Preschool and School Age concerns, are indexed in the journal.
Using the online ‘Journal of Research in Education and Training’ from the Preschool education Department at Ioannina University, new researchers, educators and students can search digital content related to research in the area of Education and Training. The journal contains articles, reviews and theoretical texts.
For those who want to remain abreast of scientific knowledge produced in Greece and internationally, they can consult the journal ‘Preschool and Primary Education’ published by the Laboratory of Pedagogical Research & Applications/ University of Crete and the ‘Hellenic Journal of Research in Education’ published by theLaboratory of Research in Pedagogy and Educational Practices/ Democritus University of Thrace.
In addition to the above examples of the journals available via EKT's ePublishing infrastructure, its platform for eProceedings hosts 16 volumes and a total of 402 conference papers from the ‘International Conference of Distance Learning’ (ICODL) organised by the Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education in co-operation with the Hellenic Open University, as well as 4 volumes with 221papers from the ‘Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences’, which was organised by the Psychophysiology Study and Training Centre, the National University of Athens.
The ‘International Conference of Distance Learning’ (ICODL) has an in international appeal and every two years gives tens of scientists, researchers and students the chance to participate in an interesting scientific dialogue, presenting and monitoring scientific papers, good practices and proposals related to the scientific field of Open and Distance Education, teaching, ICT in education etc. Conference proceedings from the Panhellenic Conference of Educational Sciences included presentations of basic and applied research on education, special education, psychiatric, psychological, linguistics and speech therapy issues as well as research and educational experiences from prominent figures in education.
- Open Education Week
- Open Education/The Journal for Open and Distance Education and Educational Technology
- Dialogoi! Theory & Praxis in Education
- Journal of Research in Education and Training
- Hellenic journal of research in education
- Preschool & Primary Education
- International Conderence in Open and Distance Learning
- Panhellenic Conference of Education Sciences