EKT Events

Εκδηλώσεις ΕΚΤ

William Allen lecture 'Βig Data, New Media, Documentation Issues: Learning from Pioneering Initiatives'

The lecture series is being organised by the National Documentation Centre's scientific Board Scientific Board.

William Allen is a Fellow by Examination in Political and Development Studies... 08.05.2019 National Hellenic Research FoundationNational (48, Vas. Constantinou Av. GR-11635, Athens)

B2B event at FOWT 2019 conference on floating offshore wind

The Greek participation is being supported by the National Documentation Centre (EKT) which co-ordinates Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas.

24.04.2019 to 25.04.2019 Montpellier, France
Jürgen Neyer lecture 'Βig Data, New Media, Documentation Issues: Learning from Pioneering Initiatives'

The lecture series is being organised by the National Documentation Centre's scientific Board Scientific Board.

Jürgen Neyer is Professor of European and International Politics Politics and... 10.04.2019 National Hellenic Research FoundationNational (48, Vas. Constantinou Av. GR-11635, Athens)

Conference "Humanities and the Arts: Creative Industries and Cultural Democracy"

EKT participates in the Conference with a presentation about its contribution to humanistic research in the arts: from documentation to aggregation.


04.04.2019 to 05.04.2019 The Byzantine Museum, Athens
Athens Science Festival 2019

The National Documentation Centre supports the Athens Science Festival 2019 as a media sponsor, highlighting relevant activities and events on websites, social media and their eNewsletter

03.04.2019 to 07.04.2019 Athens, Technopolis City
Christos Arvanitidis lecture 'Βig Data, New Media, Documentation Series Learning from Pioneering Initiatives'

The lecture series is being organised by the National Documentation Centre's scientific Board Scientific Board.

Christos Arvanitidis is Research Director and head of the Biodiversity... 20.03.2019 National Hellenic Research FoundationNational (48, Vas. Constantinou Av. GR-11635, Athens)

Andreas Fickers lecture 'Βig Data, New Media, Documentation Series Learning from Pioneering Initiatives'

The lecture series is being organised by the National Documentation Centre's scientific Board Scientific Board.

Andreas Fickers is the director of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and... 06.02.2019 National Hellenic Research FoundationNational (48, Vas. Constantinou Av. GR-11635, Athens)

Public Lectures and Discussions 'Βig Data, New Media, Documentation Issues: Learning from Pioneering Initiatives'

4 lectures, 4 talks, 4 approaches. There will be a new series of Public Lectures-Discussions,'Βig Data, New Media, Documentation issues- Learning from Pioneering Initiatives', starting on 6th... 06.02.2019 National Hellenic Research Foundation (48, Vas. Constantinou Av. GR-11635, Athens)

Blue Invest in the Mediterranean 2019 matchmaking event

The National Documentation Centre (EKT), co-ordinator of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, invites all Blue Growth stakeholders (shipping, aquaculture, coastal tourism, marine biotechnology,... 24.01.2019 Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta

Event for networking and innovative entrepreneurship during GRBossible 2018

EKT will organize a special event concerning "Networking and Entrepreneurship" during GRBossible Festival (1-2 December 2018).


01.12.2018 Room «Silk Room A», Athinais
