EKT Events

Εκδηλώσεις ΕΚΤ

Horeca, Gastrofood, Enoexpo 2021

EKT, coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, supports the participation of Greek organizations and companies on the event.

03.11.2021 to 16.11.2021 International Exhibition and Convention Centre EXPO Krakow & Virtually
Bringing Value to Agrobiomass- 2nd edition

EKT, coordinator for Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, supports the participation of Greek organizations at the event.

03.11.2021 to 04.11.2021 Virtually
Morning Health Talks: Pharma and Digital Health

The EIT Health HUB for Greece, coordinated by National Documentation Centre (ΕΚΤ), organises the Morning Health talk event ‘Pharma and Digital... 13.10.2021 Virtually

WEgate Summit 2021

EKT, coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, supports the participation of Greek companies and organizations on the event.

07.10.2021 Virtually
6th Annual Conference "Sm@rt Cities - Digit@l Citizens"

EKT supports the 6th Annual Conference "Sm@rt Cities - Digit@l Citizens".

05.10.2021 to 06.10.2021 Virtually
StartupNow Forum 2021

ΕΚΤ will be a Community Partners on the event.

05.10.2021 to 06.10.2021 Eleusis, Virtually
Dronfest 2021 Matchmaking Event

EKT, coordinator for Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, supports the participation of Greek organizations.

02.10.2021 to 04.10.2021 Pilsen (Czech Republic) & virtual
Enterprise Europe Network Annual Conference 2021

EKT participates in the session «Making our SMEs future-proof: how the EEN can support digitalisation» on Friday 30th of September.

30.09.2021 Virtually
Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 calls 2021 - virtual brokerage event

EKT, coordinator for Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, supports the participation of Greek organizations at the event.

30.09.2021 Virtually
Smart Agrifood Summit 2021 B2B Meetings

EKT, coordinator for Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, supports the participation of Greek organizations at the event.

30.09.2021 to 01.10.2021 Virtually
